6.4. Fortran-2008ΒΆ

Using standard ISO Fortran-2008 the name of the abstract base class is spectral_wave_data which is available from the module spectral_wave_data_def defined in spectral_wave_data.f90. The abstract interface block in this module defines the signature for all applied methods.

The constructor for allocating and initializing a proper specialized class is defined in spectral_wave_data_allocate.f90. All constructor arguments are explained in the header of this constructor.

program my_application

use spectral_wave_data_def,   only: spectral_wave_data
use spectral_wave_data_allocate_def,   only: spectral_wave_data_allocate
class(spectral_wave_data), allocatable :: swd   ! Type is not known at this stage
file_swd = 'my_wave.swd'    ! File based on any supported spectral formulation
! Allocate and initialize the swd using the default implementation for the
! actual spectral formulation as defined in the swd file...
call spectral_wave_data_allocate(swd, file_swd, x0, y0, t0, beta)
if (swd % error % raised()) then
    print*, swd % error % get_msg()
end if

t = 0.0_wp; dt = 0.1_wp; tmax = swd % get_real('tmax')
   if (t > tmax) exit
   call swd % update_time(t)

  ! apply generic swd % methods() according to the interface defined in spectral_wave_data.f90

  t = t + dt
end do
call swd % close()

end program my_application

Application developers may modify the SELECT CASE block in spectral_wave_data_allocate.f90 to include support for new implementations derived from the base class.