6.1. Python 2 and 3

The Python package spectral_wave_data contains a module spectral_wave_data.py. It defines the generic class SpectralWaveData to be applied in applications based on Python-2 or Python-3.

6.1.1. Constructor and methods

Detailed documentation of class members is provided here.

6.1.2. Exception handling

Related to the class SpectralWaveData is a set of class specific exceptions defined in the same module. These exceptions as described in the table below, can be imported and applied in application programs and scripts.

>>> from spectral_wave_data import SpectralWaveData, SwdError, SwdInputValueError, ...
>>> ...
>>> try:
>>>    swd = SpectralWaveData('my_waves.swd', x0=0.0, y0=0.0, t0=0.0, beta=180.0)
>>> except SwdError as err:
>>>    print(err)  # Print actual error message
>>>    # You may do some application specific error recovery before the show must go on...
>>> ...

If no try/except block is applied, the application program will abort and print the exception and backtrace as a normal Python crash.

The only other associated class methods that may throw exceptions are update_time(), convergence(), strip() and get().

Python Exceptions



Base class for all SWD specific exceptions


Typical if SWD file is not an existing file.


SWD file does not apply float/little-endian


Error during reading and checking SWD data


Input arguments for class methods are not sound


Not able to allocate internal SWD storage

6.1.3. Metadata

To extract metadata from a SWD file you may apply the method swd.get(key), or using the more Pythonesque syntax swd[key], where key is a string to identify the requested metadata. A key is either:

Only scalar meta data is supported in this version.


Returned value


The repository version number of spectral_wave_data applied in this
Python distribution.


Name of the specialized SWD-class handling this object. (Fortran class)


Maximum allowed application time consistent with the header of
the SWD file and the constructor parameter t0=0.0. [s]


Shortest wave length component. [m]


Longest wave length component. [m]


Periodic length of wave domain in x-direction (swd-system). [m]


Periodic length of wave domain in y-direction (swd-system). [m]

A SwdInputValueError exception is raised if the actual key is not relevant for the actual SWD class. The script swd_meta

For convenience this Python wheel package includes the script swd_meta listing the relevant metadata for a given SWD-file. It runs on Windows and Linux.

In a terminal window with access to your installed spectral_wave_data package you can invoke it like in this example where my.swd is the name of the actual SWD-file:

>>> swd_meta my.swd
version: 1.0.0-beta.9
prog:    raschii-1.0.3.dev0
date:    2020:01:22 19:57:55
fmt:     100
shp:     2
amp:     1
tmax:    6.3000000938773155
dt:      0.10000000149011612
nsteps:  64
nstrip:  0
order:   -1
depth:   32.0
n:       50
sizex:   220.00000561733003
lmax:    220.00000561733003
lmin:    4.400000112346601
dk:      0.028559932485222816
cid:     {'model': 'Fenton', 'T': 12.792885811907514, 'height': 18.5, 'depth': 32.0, 'N': 50, 'air': 'NoneType', 'g': 9.81, 'c': 17.19705805512825, 'relax': 0.5}

6.1.4. Implementation

In the current version the implementation of the class SpectralWaveData is obtained by wrapping the C-implementation using the standard Python module ctypes in the package module swd_c_interface.py.